Devlog #19
Posted on Thu 20 August 2020 in Devlog
Pantrific is coming along. My primary focus has been on site navigation over the past few weeks. I decided to embrace Material design and things are looking decent. The navigation aspect is a bit confusing though. The plan is to have a navigation drawer for major feature areas and then use a top app bar for navigating minor pages within the feature area. Meaning, there is a "My Recipes" side option which will take you to a screen where you can see all of the recipes you have created. You can then view a single recipe which takes you to the "View Recipe" page. In the top action bar you gain the ability to go back. This feels intuitive to me, but feels awkward to have two icons in the upper left corner: one to open and close the navigation drawer and another to go back a screen. I don't see any examples within Material on how to handle a situation like this. For now, this will work until I come up with something else.
Current state of Pantrific as of August 20th, 2020